Terms of use
Evolution Artes y Restauración, S.A., with Tax ID A82191727, domiciled in Madrid, C/ Marqués de Valdeiglesias, 3, 28004 Madrid, duly registered in the Trade Registry of Madrid, tomo 13.743, folio 209, sección 8ª, hoja número M-224285, owner of the website hosted under the domain names www.yakitoro.com and www.yakitoro.es (hereinafter, YAKITORO).
Access and use of Yakitoro
These Terms of Use govern the access and use of the Website hosted under the domain names of www.yakitoro.com and www.yakitoro.es. The access or use of the Website implies the acceptance by the User of these Terms of Use.
Use restrictions
As a User of the Website we inform you that the access or the use of the Website with illegal or unauthorized aims, with or without financial purposes, shall be STRICTLY PROHIBITED and more specifically without considering this as a complete list, the following activities shall not be allowed and the consequences shall be your full responsibility:
1. Use the website illegally or in any other way that could cause damage, overload or harm the site per se.
2. Introduce computer viruses, corrupted files, or host, store, distribute or share any other material or computer program that could cause damage or alterations to the contents, programs or systems of YAKITORO’s website.
3. Use or resell with unauthorized commercial purposes the contents included in YAKITORO’s website.
YAKITORO shall be entitled to adopt the necessary measures in case of failure to comply with the provisions in this clause, either done at its exclusive criteria, at the request of a third party involved or of any competent authority. The adoption of such measures shall not give right to any compensation.
The User shall be entirely responsible for the access and proper use of the Website subject to the laws in force in Spain as well as the principles of good faith, moral and public order, and with the commitment to observe diligently any instruction that could be provided by YAKITORO in accordance to the provisions in these Terms of Use and in connection with such use and access.
The User shall be obliged to make reasonable use of the Website and its contents, according to the possibilities and purposes for which it was conceived. The User shall be the sole responsible for the information, opinions, references or contents of any type that could be communicated through the Website.
Protection of personal information and cookies
The collection and processing of personal information supplied by the User as well as the exercise of rights to such information shall be governed by the Privacy and Cookie Policy of the Website.
Disclaimer for the operation of the Website
When deemed convenient, YAKITORO shall be able to make corrections, improvements or modifications to the information contained in the Website, without this giving the right to any claim or compensation, or implying recognition of liability whatsoever.
Industrial and intellectual property
YAKITORO as author of the collective work consisting of the Website is the owner of all industrial and intellectual property rights on it.
Under any circumstances shall the user be able to exploit commercially or use, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, any content (images, text, graphics, indexes, forms, etc.) that make up the Website without the prior written permission of YAKITORO.
All the contents, without exception and without limitation, forming part of this Website, in other words, information, articles, data, text, logos, icons, images, design and image of the Website (external appearance or "look and feel "), video files, audio files, databases, computer applications, is the property of YAKITORO or is operated under license to third party holders of intellectual and/or industrial property rights of the contents mentioned. These shall be protected by the industrial and intellectual property laws in force.
Any form of reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation and, in general, any act of exploitation of all or part of the contents (images, text, graphics, indexes, forms, etc..) that make up the Website, as well as databases and software required for its visualizing or operation, shall be prohibited without the express and prior written consent of YAKITORO.
All trademarks and logos of YAKITORO referred to in the Website are trademarks or registered trademarks of YAKITORO.
Changes and amendments to the conditions
At any time YAKITORO shall be able to modify these terms or introduce new conditions for use, being enough to communicate so through the Website.
YAKITORO shall be exempt from any liability arising from the actions described in this clause, provided that the amendments are published on the Website
Applicable law and jurisdiction
These terms of use are subject to the Spanish legal system. Any dispute arising from or related to the use of YAKITORO shall be submitted to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Spanish courts and tribunals.
Expiration of Yaki and Toro cards
All cards expire 6 months from the date of purchase.