If you are not able to book a table through our web or you want to make a reservation for more than 8 people, please give us a call and we will attend to you personally.
If you don’t have a reservation, you are welcome to come visit Yakitoro anyway because we always leave a few tables open for passing customers without reservations. We’ll looking forward to having you! 91 737 14 41 and we will attend you personally. If you don’t have a reservation, you can still go to Yakitoro.
We leave some tables available for all the customers who pop in without a reservation. Looking forward to seeing you!
You would enjoy your table for 1h 30min, from the moment you booked. Except in the last dinner shift, you can enjoy the table until the restaurant closing time :) Thank you.
Booking plugin works better in landscape mode.
Please rotate your device.